jeuseBot Help Menu:

=help Gives you the URL to this website.
=sunglasses Compliments you!
=speak Just repeats what you said.
=avatar (alternate: =pfp) Displays profile picture of mentioned users, or yours if no users are mentioned.
=fuck you Insults you.
=random Generates a random number between 0 and the upper limit you provide. Upper limit is required, or else everything bugs out.
=math (alternate: =calc, =calculate, =maths) Performs mathematical operations. A blank space must be given between numbers and operators (1 + 2, not 1+2). Can currently only handle 2 numbers, may change later.
=ftoc Converts a given temperature from Farenheit to Celsius
=ctof Converts a given temperature from Celsius to Farenheit
=github Links jeuseBot's GitHub
=google (alternate: =g) Searches on google for a given query. Note: twitter results might be broken, but still usable.
=youtube (alternate: =yt) Searches on youtube for a given query.


DM jeuseBot a command with your confession and he will send it anonymously to the confession channels. Confessions must be approved before being public, however.